The North Manchester Public Library is proud to be the host of a Tower Garden, purchased thanks to the generosity of Poet Bioprocessing Community Impact Grant!
Tower Gardens operate on an advanced form of hydroponics called aeroponics. Aeroponic systems use water, liquid nutrients and a soilless growing medium to grow plants in an air or mist environment rather than soil. This method is quick and efficient, using 98% less water, 90% less space, growing 30% more, and 3 times faster than traditional soil methods. There is no need for digging or weeding, which means planting indoors becomes a viable option.
The Tower Garden is accessible for everyone in the community any time they visit the library, and will provide families with access to fresh produce all year long. NMPL hopes the Tower Garden will show library users the positive partnership between science, environmental care, and food sustainability. The Tower Garden will make urban farming accessible to the North Manchester community. Library users will be able to reserve tower sections during late winter/early spring (for spring/summer gardens) and late summer (for fall crops) for the purpose of plant starts. As plants reach the size of viability, users can take them home for transplant and a new set of patrons can start their own seeds (which they can choose at no cost from the NMPL seed library). Be sure to check out the Tower Garden (and help yourself to the harvest!) the next time you're at the library! |