We are so grateful to all our amazing patrons for supporting us through the years! Interested in contributing? Read on to find out how you an help NMPL!
Support NMPL by shopping for us from our Amazon wish list! All these supplies will help us keep all our amazing programs, take home kits, and activity kits well stocked! |
The Friends of the North Manchester Public Library is an organization created to provide assistance to the library. The Friends organization holds two annual book sales and organizes other events throughout the year as fund raisers. Visit the Friends of the Library page on the menu to learn more! |
Books, audio books, DVDs, and CDs may be donated for the libraries collections at the main circulation desk, during library hours. All donations for the collection are subject to the Materials Selection Policy. Donated books may also go to the Friends of the Library Book Sale. hen considering a donation, please be sure that all items are in good condition and do not have a strong smell to them (mold, smoke). Drop off your donations with the library staff during library hours. Books or other items may be donated to the library as a memorial to honor a friend or family member. All memorials for the collection also are subject to the Materials Selection Policy. |
Donate to the library to support programming, building improvements, purchasing of materials, technology updates, Children's Department upgrades and more! Speak to a staff member at the front desk if you are interested in making a donation. Generous folks have also started – and continue to donate to – endowment funds managed by the Community Foundation of Wabash County. Interest from the endowment funds helps to cover library operating expenses, such as books, audio books, and lectureships. If you would like to contribute to one of these funds, or start your own, contact the Community Foundation of Wabash County at 260.982.4824 or by email at [email protected]. |
Please consider signing up for Kroger Community Rewards to help generate extra income for Friends of the Library. There is no additional cost. You simply need to register and then buy what you normally would buy from Kroger! These companies will then donate a percentage of your purchase to Friends of the Library at NO cost to you. By simply signing up for these programs, you can help FOL with every purchase! |