Please consider signing up for Kroger Community Rewards to help generate extra income for Friends of the Library. There is no additional cost. You simply need to register and then buy what you normally would buy from Kroger! This company will then donate a percentage of your purchase to Friends of the Library at NO cost to you. By simply signing up for this program you can help FOL with every purchase!
Thanks so much for supporting NMPL!
- Go to any Kroger/Owen's/Pay-Less store and sign up for a Kroger/Owen's/Pay-Less Plus card (if you don’t already have one).
- Visit, or and scroll to the bottom of the page to find the “Community” section.
- Click on “Kroger Community Rewards”.
- Go down to “I’m a customer.” If you have a Kroger account, log in. If you don’t have a Kroger account, then you will need to set one up. You will need to put in your Kroger plus card number to link it to your name.
- Once you are logged in, select “Community Rewards” on the left side.
- You will need to enter the number of your Kroger Plus card.
- You can then search for and select “Friends of the North Manchester Public Library” as the organization you would like to support.
Thanks so much for supporting NMPL!